Food is Medicine

Warning! The following post may be to much information for some of you.

For the past few weeks I have been busy gaining weight and increasing my calories. It hasn’t been completely intentional, I lost some weight in 2014 and became a little underweight. My anxiety around food was awful and my diet was poor. Over Christmas I relaxed a lot, indulged in some yummy foods and was expecting to gain a few pounds back.

Well I did, 10 pounds to be exact, making me 7 stone 7 lbs again, and a lot healthier.  I ate out a lot with friends and family, and didn’t hold back when ordering dessert! At times I did feel guilty about how much I was eating, felt sluggish and a little out of control, but I’m lucky to have great people around me who always encouraged me and assured me I was doing the right thing for my health.

Today, something happened that proved that all of these extra calories were indeed good for me and making me healthy again. Today I got my period! I’m sure for many girls getting your monthly reminder is a pain in the backside and a nuisance, but to me, it was amazing. It’s been thirteen months since my last period, in the past four or five years I can count on one hand how many periods I have had, and If I’m honest, in 2014 I started to lose hope that I would ever be healthy and fertile.

Who knows, I may not get another period this year, but what I do know is that this time I am so motivated to keep up with the progress I have made. I am going to maintain my weight, stay healthy, and hopefully let go of all the anxieties I have around food once and for all.

It’s another chance for me to be the healthiest and happiest version of myself, and i am not messing it up this time.