No blogger, no influence #justme

I actually saw this tag line on an old lady’s bag today and it really brought a smile to my face.

As I already mentioned in a previous post, I made the conscious decision to delete Instagram on the weekend. This might not seem like a big deal for most people, but maybe most people haven’t stopped to think how damaging social media can actually be.

The way we interact and communicate has changed at a significant rate in my lifetime alone.  I remember as a teenager growing up and cursing dial up, rushing home to sign on to msn, updating my bebo ‘skin’ in an effort to try and make myself come across in a certain way.

Now Bebo has gone of course, Facebook and Instagram are the leading social media sites, and it scares me just how much power they actually have over society.

Personally I found that Instagram was making me miserable. It was taking up so much of my energy and I wasn’t getting anything back.

What’s funny is that a couple of days after I deleted the app, some of the most ridiculous worries buzzed through my head.  “What about all those pictures I can never get back?” “Like my birthday breakfast?” “What about the people I only connect with via Instagram? How will I speak to them?” When I realised how ridiculous this all sounded, I had to laugh. Surely there was a time where I could enjoy a birthday breakfast without having to document it. The memories we make and remember are the memories where we are too happy and laughing too hard to remember to take a photo.

Worrying about getting everything on camera is just taking you away from enjoying whats right there in front of you.  You don’t have to follow my lead and delete the app too.  But next time you’re having breakfast with your boyfriend, leave the phone in your bag, give him a kiss instead. Next time your baby does something funny, think about how wonderful and cute she it, not YouTube.

No comparison, no influence we are most beautiful when we are our natural selves, and that means just being you. You don’t need 30K followers, you’re avocado on toast is just as tasty without 50 likes, trust me.

Start living your life and stop worrying about sharing it all with the internet. Who cares if you’re 600 friends on facebook didn’t know about that amazing gig you went to last night, the important friends will know because they will have been there with you.


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