Nature’s dancing without us

The problem with us humans is that we are victims of of our own illusory superiority.

We claim to be earths greatest evolutionary species, moral and intelligent, yet we still justify pain and suffering on the basis of tradition and ‘survival of the fittest.’ Highly hypocritical I would say? If we have evolved so much and understand the world we live in, surely our actions and behaviours are due to change too? Our traditions should be altered also? otherwise we are living in the past.

Humanity takes centre stage…

We are so caught up in how great OUR species is doing, we have detached ourselves from the rest of the natural world.  We have convinced ourselves we have out done them, we are better than them, we are the fittest.  We find it ridiculous that animals can have morals or feel emotion. Humans separate dairy cows from their babies on their day of birth, for milk. We skin cows and rabbits and wear them as clothing, so we can look fashionable.  We train dogs to kill birds and call it sport. We abuse horses and call it ‘betting’. We blind cats just to make sure the mascara doesn’t irritate our eyes.

We sit in the houses we built, we stare at the television we invented watching the programme we created.

And outside nature carries on without us.

Seasons change, animals survive, bees pollinate.

Tonight I found out something that made me think very long and hard about my existence.

In my twenty years of life on earth I have travelled 171,166,125,750 km through the milky way.

When I first read this, I pictured myself sitting on the top of the earth, flying though space like an animation.  Clearly, not a very realistic imagination, and that’s because I can’t see it. I can’t see myself as a part of earth, or the human race for that matter, because of this constant insistance that we are better than any thing else in nature, when in fact we ARE nature.

Of course, human evolution is amazing. But what’s not amazing is the abuse and suffering we have caused for the rest of earth. How we have killed and destroyed, exploited and ruined.

Here’s a Tribal Story I quite like and inspired me;

Once upon a time, all animals on earth were the same and at one. They all looked different on the outside but were the same on the inside.  Every month the animals would gather in a sacred cave, and they would all shed their skin, celebrate their unity and dance.  When a human saw them dancing together in the cave, he left. The animals were embarrassed and scared, and they fled, never revealing themselves again.

The story’s message is that we are all the same underneath.  Under the skin, scales, fur, feathers.   It is sad that so many of us will live our lives not wanting to connect with nature.

It’s coming up to my vegetarian anniversary, the best decision I ever made. I am also converting to Vegan, because it feels right for me. I am trying to spend more time looking at the sky instead of a screen, but I need a little reminding at times.

I hope more people have the epiphany I had, because it’s time to make good for what we did at that sacred cave all those years ago.

It’s time to join the dance.

Happy Lows